Maya's Fusion Grill
Imagine my surprise coming home from work last Friday when I get a call from my good pal Clint. He's all jazzed because he claims he saw a food truck in our sleepy little corner of the world, parked over on Route 72 in Gilberts. Something grill, he says. And it was green, he thinks.
Uh, dude, whatcha been smokin?
Ok, whatever. I was on my way to pick up my daughter for dinner, so I figured I'd go check it out afterwards. Again, imagine my surprise when I saw this big yellow beauty exactly where Clint said it was, lights on inside, but clearly not open for business. Maybe a truck in the works? Maybe just stopped for the night? Hmm. Must investigate.
So I get home and wouldn't you know? It's a brand-spankin' new Kane county food truck and they were serving up dinner from 4-7pm! And I missed it! Crapmonkeys!!
Once more, imagine my surprise to find out they'd be serving up lunch at a church today just a hop, skip and a jump from my place. Holy hell!
Not wanting to miss out on the chance to log a few more for my Playa! mission, I texted some of my buddies. Fitting that Clint and his family were able to meet me at the truck, what with me owing this tipoff to him in the first place.
It was great to meet everyone on board before the congregation was let loose. And the food is so crazy good that I can't wait to complete the menu on this one, especially since they'll be rolling the streets near the place I call home. They technically don't hit the streets until tomorrow.
Plenty of tasty sounding menu choices but I was drawn to the Machaca beef brisket, in burrito form. It's an ancho chili and coffee rubbed brisket that hits the grill before getting braised in Vietnamese cinnamon and spices. Hot damn! Fantastic flavor and the cinnamon takes it somewhere exotic, but not overpowering. Of course I loaded up my burrito with all the fixins, though I'm sad I missed that I could've added guac for a small fee. I would've been all over that. Next time. Freshly made chips and salsa came on the side, so this was a hearty lunch for under $8.
Well played guys! You can bet I'll be back for more.

Follow that Truck!
@chifoodtruckz i think they are going to be in the suburbs...
@FoodCabbie we are movie to FL! And my husband just called he was at a 35-40 food truck party in the area we are going to live!!! Oh well.
Sold the truck heading down to FL! Keep an eye out for two soldiers and a marine food truck coming your way..... :)
Hey everyone great time to start a food truck business check out the one I have for sale
Oh forgot my number lol 224-465-6126