MoJo Express
Starting to panic, I was running out of time. e.Leaven was in for repairs. StopNGo hadn't yet hit the streets. My list was left with mostly Ultra Rares or trucks that don't serve in the wild.
Not pretty.
Time to bring out the big guns. Time to hit up that nonsense known as UofC.
It was Wednesday and MoJo Express announced they'd be back that Friday. Friday it is, and let the chips fall where they may. I would have gone there for just one truck. That's the urgency I was feeling. Lotta pressure man.
So @uchiNOMgo and I got to tweeting that night and even he was commenting on the obscurity of the remaining trucks on my Hit List. He graciously put out a few tweets on my behalf and before I knew it, StopNGo was also committing for a Friday landing.
If only I could score #50, that visit would be all kinds of epic. But by Friday morning, still no news from e.Leaven. And no news from other trucks.
But wait...what's this? Don Rafa is serving up lunch with Three J's BBQ. Have to learn more.
And I digress.
So Eva, Tom, Schu, EDC and I set out for trucks 48 and 49. Schu and EDC are both Eric and I was between the two in the back seat, so we had ourselves a proper Eric sandwich as we drove out to Hyde Park.
MoJo Express never heard of me or Food Truck 50 and even gave me a hard time when she found out she was number 48. That was pretty funny. She asked whether I'd hit 50 that day and it wasn't looking like it. If I was, she wanted me to go to the other trucks first so she could have a better number. Way too funny.
She had me sample the red bull and coconut. Pretty good. But I saw a rum mocha on the menu. I'll go with the rum mocha. I'm all over the rum mocha.
Mmmm. Mmmm. Good. Just like those little filled chocolate rum balls, only in liquid form.
I was so overwhelmed by the insanity that is the University of Chicago food truck scene that I completely forgot to take a snap. @uchiNOMgo did catch me in line at StopNGo with the last of my drink in hand.
Hey MoJo, can you take a snap and send it to I had the bright green straw.

Follow that Truck!
@ANTMTEAM I vote for Nyle
Oct 11th is the BoA marathon, I'm unable to cater this year. Anyone interested in filing in? Need to know ASAP.
Hello Every1. Oct 11th is BoA Marathon. I'm unable to cater this event. Anyone interested in taking my place. Need to know ASAP. Thk you
Mojo Express has done it. now MBE certified. About to open a Cafe in Maywood, IL around the 3rd week of October.
Opening a café in Maywd. Maywood is undergoing a major redevelopment. This café will give employment opportunities